Dog Ear Infections: Tips for How to Take Care of Your Dog’s Ears

Worried about dog ear infections on your furry friend? Read on to find out how to take care of your dog’s ears.

If you’ve ever marveled at how your dog’s ears perk up at the slightest sound, there’s a science to that. Dogs have an impeccable sense of hearing, hearing twice as well as we do. But with this remarkable gift comes potential vulnerabilities.

Otitis: Not Just Another Ear Issue Otitis, an inflammation of the ear, is common in our furry friends. Indications include head shaking, itching, and sometimes even a disturbing hematoma caused by a ruptured blood vessel due to incessant scratching.

Frequently, otitis has its roots in ear-mange mites. An easy test? Swipe a cotton-wool piece inside the ear. If you see a brownish or blackish waxy-powdery deposit, there’s a good chance it’s ear-mange. You might even see the culprits moving under a magnifying glass.

But, before reaching for those over-the-counter solutions, remember: not all are made equal. Some can block the ears, causing more harm than good.

Hearing Loss: Causes & Solutions Prolonged ear issues can culminate in hearing loss. From congenital defects in certain breeds to accidents that damage the ear, several factors can contribute to this unfortunate outcome. Other less-common culprits include nerve damage, obstructions in the Eustachian tubes, brain injuries, or even exposure to carbon monoxide.

Inside the Inner Ear Issues in the inner ear aren’t just about hearing. Inflammation or infection here can cause dizziness, imbalance, and consistent circling. This requires immediate veterinary attention; any delay might result in the infection reaching the brain.

Wax Build-up and Foreign Objects Excessive wax or foreign objects like grass seeds can also wreak havoc. Spaniels, for example, with their droopy ear flaps, are more prone to wax build-up. As a quick solution, flip those flaps inside-out and secure with adhesive tape for better ventilation.

And if you suspect a foreign object causing discomfort, a touch of olive oil can provide relief. Gently massaging it can dislodge the object or soften the wax. However, always ensure you’re not poking around with sharp objects. If in doubt, consult your vet for specialized ear-drops or further advice.

When The Ear Gets Hurt Cuts, scratches, or even pesky fly bites can leave a dog’s ears sore and irritated. For such minor issues, a gentle cleaning followed by antiseptic powder should suffice. For fly-bitten ears, consider using a concoction of oils and alcohol. This mixture can help repel those relentless flies:

  • Oil of cloves: 3 parts
  • Bay oil: 5 parts
  • Eucalyptus tincture: 5 parts
  • Alcohol: 15 parts
  • Water: 200 parts

Closing Thoughts Our dogs’ ears are marvels of nature, but they’re also vulnerable. While some home remedies can offer relief, always prioritize professional advice. For top-tier care, considering checking out the Pet Hospital in New Jersey. Their experts will ensure your dog’s ears remain as sharp and healthy as ever. Remember, nothing beats specialized knowledge when it comes to your furry friend’s well-being.